
Why Change?

Atom Town : news and ideas from Gair Dunlop

I’m Gair Dunlop. I make art with cameras & words but more importantly with people and the places & ideas they have made, and which have made them. I’ve started this new website and blog because I want the work to be seen on many kinds of devices, and because I wanted to change my web address to www.atomtown.org from www.atomtown.org.uk

This is due to the dissolution of the ‘uk’ as a meaningful entity. Please adjust your address book and your sense of possibility.


Community tree clearance after Storm Arven. Great to spend the morning working together.

He moves among us

Sculpture corridor, DJCAD. Where the sacred meets the profane and scratches its head.

Covenant: group exhibition

Delighted to participate in this group exhibition, alongside art students, artists, members and retired members of Moray’s armed forces. Awaiting documentation! The idea may be extended to an Army base near you.

Care and Recovery

Dear photography world: if you are interested in work happening Now, written from a Scottish and International context, please subscribe to ‘Notes: Letters to Photography’
There is incisive writing and the images are sensitively presented and printed.
The current issue on ‘Care’ is one of the best yet- work from Nina Bacos, @francismckee @picturemaking and more.